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To fully understand President @JoeBiden's alleged corruption in Ukraine, consider this image.

From left to right, you see Joe Biden, who served as the US Vice President between 2009 and 2017. To his left is his son, Hunter Biden. Next stands Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine from 2014 to 2019. Beside him is Victor Shokin, the former Ukrainian Prosecutor appointed to investigate corruption in Burisma. On the far right is Mykola Zlochevsky, the former Minister of Ecology of Ukraine and co-founder of Burisma, the company under Shokin's scrutiny.

Let's trace the origins. In 2002, Zlochevsky co-founded the prominent oil and natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, alongside Mykola Lisin. Each held a 50% stake in the company.

How Hunter Biden was appointed to Burisma's board during Joe Biden's vice-presidency baffled many people. The company, perceived to be steeped in corruption and nestled within a country with limited transparency, seemed an unlikely choice for the younger Biden. Especially given his 2014 discharge from the U.S. Navy Reserve due to a positive cocaine test and an apparent lack of relevant qualifications for the Burisma role. The New York Times even commented on his absence of core competencies required for the position, yet he secured a lucrative role on the board.

Poroshenko, during his presidential tenure, assigned Shokin, the then-prosecutor general (inaugurated in February 2015), to investigate Burisma and its co-founder Zlochevsky.

But, as Shokin seemingly edged closer to exposing corruption, external pressures escalated, urging the halt of the investigation. Various entities, including some internationally reputed institutions, allegedly with their integrity in question, along with the US's western allies, reportedly coerced Poroshenko into firing Shokin. When he resisted, Joe Biden, the then US Vice President, stepped in.

One might expect a Vice President, whose son is associated with a company under investigation, to maintain distance. However, Joe Biden intensified the pressure on Poroshenko, threatening to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee earmarked for Ukraine unless Shokin was removed from his position. Subsequently, Shokin was dismissed.

Additionally, claims suggest that Zlochevsky bribed both Hunter and Joe Biden to ensure protection from the investigation, based on information from a purportedly reliable FBI source.

Many are urging @SpeakerMcCarthy
to initiate an impeachment inquiry. Apart from the alleged corruption itself, many are wondering why former President @realDonaldTrump
was impeached by the Democrats for daring to ask about Joe Biden's alleged corruption in Ukraine, while Joe Biden has not been impeached for his alleged massive crimes. Your thoughts?
